36 Week Bumpdate!

Yeah, I haven’t posted since 22 weeks. Trust me, I’m definitely still pregnant!

I'm seriously fighting a whole lot of body hate right now. I cried when I looked at this picture because of the way I *think* I look. Gah, pregnancy!

I’m seriously fighting a whole lot of body hate right now. I cried when I looked at this picture because of the way I *think* I look. Gah, pregnancy!

How far along are you?
36 Weeks!  We are less than a month away from our due date!

Weight Gain?
Right about 32 pounds. That’s the amount (+2) I gained throughout the entire pregnancy with Jude. I’ll be pleased if I can keep my weight gain around 35-38 pounds. I officially outweigh my husband, father, and I’m pretty sure I’m right about where my brother is which is embarrassing since he’s 6 foot and a college sophomore. Let’s just say I have NEVER seen the number on the scale that I saw this morning. Sure, I’m carrying another life, but I’m also carrying an extra ten to fifteen in my legs, arms, and love handles. I am pumped to start the process of getting in shape after baby!


I’m thinking girl. Tyler thinks boy. What do you think? I’ve seriously been thinking about starting an online pool just because I’m so curious as to what people would guess.

Stretch Marks?
You better believe it!

I seriously can’t complain about it. As long as I don’t have to roll over, I’m sleeping pretty well.

I have either pulled a muscle on the inside of my right upper thigh (groin area?)  or my hips or pelvis are out of alignment. It hurts SO BAD to roll over while trying to sleep, to walk after lying/sitting down, and when I try to cross my legs. I’m going to go to the chiropractor and soon, I hope.

This baby moves all the time! (Much unlike Jude.) I had an ultrasound this past week and found out that baby is head down. That is great news! His/her feet are on my right side and he/she loves to kick there HARD. They have rolled and switched the side they lay on occasionally, but normally I see a heal/foot poking out on my right. This baby can KICK, I tell ya.

Food Cravings/Aversions?
Ice cream, pizza, and a nice big decaf coffee. Of course, I rarely get any of these. Even if I beg Tyler. (He stands strong, which is good.) I’ve been making some fruit smoothies which normally do pretty good to curb my craving for ice cream. I’ll also indulge in a cup of coffee maybe once a week? Pizza is on our meal plan once a month, so I just have to savor every bite as I eat it.

I’ve also been wanting something with flavor to drink. We’ve switched to bottled water instead of tap water. Keeping it in the fridge to keep it cold is definitely helping with my desire for something with flavor. (The smoothies also help with this, too.)

Labor Signs?
Just a few more Braxton Hicks. One night they were so frequent (plenty more than 4 in an hour which is the cutoff to call in to the doctor) and I started to get a little worried. I told Tyler and he asked if I should call. I didn’t worry about it because I thought if this was it I’d know in just a few hours. I eventually fell asleep and by morning they were gone.

Belly Button in or out?
It’s poking out now. It never got that far with Jude.

What am I looking forward to?
Labor. I’m not even kidding when I say that, either. I cannot wait for those moments of working together with my husband to bring this baby into the world. Cannot wait. I also cannot wait to see my husband’s reaction to the gender and hearing his voice as he says that we have a daughter or son. AH!

Best moment of the week?
My 11 month old is WALKING. That’s pretty awesome. (But that was last week. I can’t really think about anything this week!)

I’m feeling?
Like something is beating me up from the inside. I complain way too much to Tyler. I need to stop. I never remember it feeling this bad with Jude, though.

Also, at my appointment on Wednesday (35w5d) I found out I am already 2cm dilated and 80% effaced. That is exactly where I was when I went into labor with Jude, so I had a moment of panic in the exam room after she told me that. So, I’m feeling a little overwhelmed knowing it really could be ANY day now. I mean, my body is already preparing, people. Watch out, Walker #2 will be here soon! (Actually, it’ll be Walker #somereallyhighnumber, but #2 for us!)

What I miss?
Seeing my toes, cuddling with my son (can’t do this very well now since there is a huge belly in the way), rolling over without grimacing or whimpering, playing with Jude on my belly… I’ll stop now.


Are you working out?

I’ve been trying to but my hip pain is kind of not helping me! Plus this last week it heated up so much, so doing chores around the house has been enough of a work out for me!


Here is a fun little comparison between 36 weeks with Jude and 36 weeks with #2.

36 36weeks

My belly button in the right picture is driving me crazy. Nothing says pregnant quite like a giant turkey timer sticking straight out in the middle of your bump. I realize I’m not standing the same, but my bump is huge this go ’round. I really hope this baby isn’t much ANY bigger than Jude. Help me!

20 Week Bumpdate!

Would you look at that! I wouldn’t have thought I’d be writing these so soon again. 😉


How far along are you?
20 weeks! Halfway!

Weight Gain?
10 lbs … Plus I was about 6 pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight from the pregnancy with Jude when we found out we were expecting again.

it’s a …. surprise!

Stretch Marks?
Of course… all from the pregnancy with Jude. My belly is quite lovely (sarcasm).

I still sleep on my back a lot and I know I need to stop soon and switch to my side. Sleep hasn’t been too bad except for the gosh darn dreams I keep having…legitimate nightmares! I’m talking wake up in the middle of the night crying and reaching for your husband type nightmares. I dread sleep because of the darn dreams.

Bloody nose every morning, but I think that’s more because of dry air than pregnancy.

Starting to feel him/her much more lately! The movement is still really low.

Food Cravings/Aversions?
Mashed potatoes and gravy. I meal planned for this week and purposely kept mashed potatoes and gravy out because we’ve had so much in the past few weeks! I’m also craving sweets which I usually satisfy with a chocolate milk. It’s a good thing we keep hardly any sweets in the house.

Labor Signs?
Absolutely not and hopefully not for a long time! I think I’ve had maybe one BH contraction…maybe.

Belly Button in or out?
My belly button is so incredibly weird. It never returned to normal after Jude was born (probably because I still carried about 5 extra pounds in that area). I guess I’d say it’s flat, but the top ridge is poking out.

What am I looking forward to?
My husband coming home from work tonight. I miss him.

Best moment of the week?
Jude started crawling last Thursday! He is on the move!

I’m feeling?
Currently, sick and frustrated. Sick from a nice little cold and frustrated because Jude has taken some major steps backwards in his sleep (just at night–nap times are still golden). Last night he woke up at 1:45. We gave him a bottle and he didn’t fall asleep until around 4. Tyler and I are exhausted (and so is Jude)!

What I miss?
A good night’s sleep. I know it’s only been a couple of rough nights with Jude, but I’m still missing my 8-9 hours of wonderful, uninterrupted sleep.

Are you working out?

I’ve been trying to! I haven’t worked out since last Wednesday, though, and I don’t see myself working out today. Tomorrow!

We are incredibly fortunate for our new little blessing from God.

All thanks to the grace of our Father above.

Due Date! 40 Week Bump–wait a minute…


Yep, that’s right! We didn’t make it to our due date!





Meet little Jude William! He was born on Saturday, July 12, at 11:44pm at 39 weeks 3 days.


I promise, a birth story and many more photos are coming your way.


But for now, I’ll leave you with this. We love this little guy dearly.







P.S. I feel like a walking, talking milk truck.


39 Weeks


How far along are you?
39 weeks!

Weight Gain?
26 pounds so far. I’m consistently gaining 2 a week since 36 weeks, which is about the time I stopped working out. Hmmmm, I wonder if there is a correlation? I’d say maybe so.

We don’t know, what do you think?

Stretch Marks?
Oh yeah. They’ve just kind of exploded around my belly button. Ha. My belly button has basically disappeared. It’s flatter than a pancake.

Pretty good!

Waddling….for real. Starting to swell in my feet and hands a little too.

I think he/she is running out of room. Their movement is starting to decrease!

Food Cravings/Aversions?
Crunchy Cheetos still sound amazing to me! A fruit smoothie sounds great, too.

Labor Signs?
Nothing different than last week. Still BH contractions. They come and go and sometimes they are more painful and last longer, but nothing ever happens.

Belly Button in or out?
It’s basically out…or flat.

What am I looking forward to?
Our weekly appointment this Friday. Hopefully meeting this baby soon!

Best moment of the week?
Hearing my husband preach on Sunday; he did great!

I’m feeling?
Ready to give birth to this baby! I’m sure I’ll be quite nervous when it actually starts happening, though.

What I miss?
Okay, I’m missing a lot lately. The ability to stand up and sit down easily, running, wearing shirts that actually cover my belly completely, wearing more than just athletic shorts and leggings (I never leave the house and when I do I stuff my body in maternity capris and my ever faithful black shirt, pictured above)…and more.

Are you working out?
Just walking here and there. Next time around, I’m going to make sure to run from the very get go and maybe I’ll still be able to go for jogs when I’m this far along.

38 Weeks!

Don't mind the mess behind me!

Don’t mind the mess behind me!

How far along are you?
38 weeks!

Weight Gain?
We had our 38 week appointment this morning and I have gained a total of 24 lbs.

I’ll be able to tell you that soon!

Stretch Marks?
Oh yeah. Starting to get a few more.

Pretty good!

I. Move. Slow.

I think he/she is running out of room. Their movement is starting to decrease!

Food Cravings/Aversions?
I am craving something cold to drink that isn’t water (all I ever drink is water). Something fruity…maybe a smoothie? Oh, and the Cheetos of course, but only the crunchy kind!

Labor Signs?
These BH contractions are whacko. They go crazy for a few days straight and then disappear altogether. My Dr. checked and I’m still 1cm and 90% thinned. She said I have a cervix of steal…Ha! I asked her if the baby will need to drop anymore and she said the baby is so low and if they were any lower she’d be able to see their head! I’m just so at peace knowing the baby is in the right position. And, no, I am not one bit disappointed that I have not progressed at all in a week because here’s the thing: God determines the birth date of my child. Not my Dr., not my exercise, and not what I eat or drink or do.  I could have a baby in the morning, or I could have a baby in 3 weeks. Only God knows and I’m totally okay with that.

Belly Button in or out?
It’s basically out…or flat.

What am I looking forward to?
Fourth of July with my Husband’s family! I love getting together with all of his side of the family.

Best moment of the week?
This is going to sound absolutely ridiculous, but today my husband ate pizza for lunch at work and it seriously makes me so happy. Since he started courting me last year, he has given up gluten because he knows I can’t eat it. On Fridays at his work they have pizza but last week he came home to eat with me instead. We talked about it and I told him I wanted him to stay at work and eat with his coworkers, and he did too. So today he did and I’m legitimately stoked. I’ve had a few cravings for pizza myself, so it kind of feels like a part of me got to have pizza today. 🙂

I’m feeling?
Peaceful and excited.

What I miss?
Honestly, nothing. I’m just looking forward. 🙂

Are you working out?
Just walking here and there.


Are those contractions, or have I been glutened?

I’m serious…that’s what keeps running through my head right now.

So, as many of you know, I am gluten intolerant. Whenever I consume gluten, I get really bad crampy pains in my stomach/intestinal area (along with other symptoms that don’t need to be mentioned!). Well, today I’ve been getting those bad crampy pains (WITHOUT the other unmentionable symptoms) and I KNOW I haven’t consumed any food that contains gluten in the past 48 hours. (I might have accidentally contaminated myself Saturday, but there is no way these pains would be from that. I know from past experiences 😉 )

I’m probably still just having BH contractions, but golly these are not fun.

On another note, I’ve spent the afternoon/evening scrubbing our walls, sweeping our floors, cleaning our bathroom, and baking a loaf of Gluten Free bread! I’m hoping all this activity will either put an end to these awkward pains or intensify them and push me closer to labor.

Check out the bread! Hopefully it looks as good once it’s sliced and meets my husband’s desire for taste!



Impromptu Date Night (and 37 Week Belly Pic)

My husband and I attended yet another wedding this Saturday! I love that my husband works in college ministry, so many weddings to attend!

While we were out, we decided to make a little date day/evening out of it. After the wedding–at which we got rained on (it was outdoor)–we decided to go “shopping”. We don’t really shop, it’s more of “Hey, look at this” or “In the future, this is what we should own” with the occasional purchase of something. This time, since we are in the process of buying a house and having a baby, we decided window shopping was best for us. He did, however, treat me to a nice $1 massage in a massage chair. 🙂

Anywho, it was absolutely wonderful. I loved walking around with my husband and having the chance to just chat, make jokes, and share time together. Since it’s just the two of us at home (and our big ol’ great dane, of course) you’d think we had all the time in the world to spend with each other. But, we don’t. He works 40 hours a week and almost every Saturday and when he gets home he tends to study into the late hours of the night (he’s very passionate about learning doctrine that he will later use in his ministry, and I respect him very much for that). Don’t get me wrong, he doesn’t just come home, close the door, and ignore me the rest of the night. He makes it a priority to set aside time for me. All I’m saying is, it was so nice to have a whole afternoon with him. He was ALL MINE and it was fantastic.

We ate a scrumptious meal and managed to forget our leftovers on the table when we left. Darn. My pregnancy brain must be rubbing off on my husband!

Anyway, long story short, I love my husband dearly and I am so happy we were blessed with a laid back afternoon outing before our baby arrives.

And, as I promised, here is my 37 week baby belly picture after getting rained on and everything:

37 weeks


Will we make it to 38 weeks?

Ha, probably. Although, these “Braxton Hicks” contractions are not giving up. Good grief!

37 Weeks…Full Term!

37 weeks

How far along are you?
37 weeks. Baby is full term! I feel like I can breathe easier knowing that the baby can come anytime now and he/she will not be a preemie!

Weight Gain?
We had our 37 week appointment this morning and I have gained a total of 23 lbs.

We’ll find out soon enough! My two year old niece pointed at my belly the other day and said “Baby Boy!”

Maternity Clothes?
Basically all the time, unless I’m wearing a maxi skirt. It’s getting to the point where my belly is almost sticking out of some of my maternity tops….ahh!

Stretch Marks?
Yep! I think I get a new one each week (on my belly). They are really small, though.

Pretty good, until I have to get up or roll over. I think the baby has stationed their bum up under my rib cage on the left side when I sleep. It hurts when I get up!

Morning sickness is gone. Yay! I just feel exhausted all the time.

Pretty much the same. Sometimes, though, after a really active day the next he/she will be a bit quieter.

Food Cravings/Aversions?
Craving fruit… and, yes, still CHEETOS! (I ate cheetos one time this whole pregnancy a couple weeks ago and now my taste buds are screaming for more!) I’m still not wanting any coffee, which is great for my husband–more for him!

Labor Signs?
Braxton Hicks! I’ve been having them pretty constantly lately. Skip this next sentence if you don’t want TMI. At my appointment Wednesday, I was checked and told that I am 90% effaced and 1cm dilated. I’m assuming that Baby is in a good position since she could fell his/her head.  And here is more TMI for you–I lost my mucus plug that night.

Belly Button in or out?
It’s basically out…or flat.

What am I looking forward to?
I don’t even know…Definitely looking forward to meeting this baby, whenever he/she decides it’s time! I keep telling the baby that they can’t come out until after daddy gets off work today. We are in the process of buying a house and in order to receive a loan, my husband has to provide two weeks of pay stubs. Well, his hours just got increased and today is the last day of the first two weeks. I’ve been having pretty good contractions for at least 3 days now, but I’ve made it clear to the baby that nothing can happen until after 5 today. Ha! I’m sure Baby’s arrival is still weeks away, but you never know!

Best moment of the week?
Spending a morning with my sister-in-law and her children.

I’m feeling?
Anxious, excited, and a little overwhelmed. After realizing that my body really is preparing to give birth, I had a bit of an emotional breakdown Wednesday night. Well, let’s be honest, it was more than “a bit” of an emotional breakdown. I realize it could be a matter of hours, days, or even weeks before labor actually begins, but the fact of the matter is, it is going to happen and I’m going to have to give birth. I was honestly scared that night realizing what is to come. Don’t worry though, it was nothing a call with my sister in law, a chocolate bar (thanks, mom!), a movie, sleep, and the arms of my husband couldn’t fix. 🙂

What I miss?
Honestly, nothing. I’m just looking forward. 🙂

Are you working out?
We went for a walk last night. But other than that, no.


I need to go through every day thinking it could be the last day until the baby comes, then maybe things would get done around the house! There is so much to do and I feel so lethargic and awkward that I just don’t even want to try…and that’s bad! Today, I will get things done!

36 Weeks — 9 Months!


How far along are you?
36 weeks… That’s right, we’ve made it to 9 months!
Weight Gain?
We had our 36 week appointment this morning and I have gained a total of 20.4 lbs.

I’m really thinking baby girl still. I’m wondering if I have some sort of “Mother instinct” about this or if I’m way off my rocker and the baby is definitely not a girl. I’m curious, have other mom’s had a gut feeling? Were you right?

Maternity Clothes?
Most of the time, but I am really loving maxi skirts!

Stretch Marks?
Yes. On my chest and a couple on my belly. I’ve had very light marks on my thighs from a few years back (I gained a lot of muscle weight because of a crazy intern track coach I had and then promplty lost it after the season, leaving me with a few stretch marks) but they seem to be darkening a bit.

About 8-9 hours up 1-2 times. Rolling over is just the pits. My poor round ligaments feel like they are just going to snap! Honestly though, I sleep pretty darn well.

Is waddling a symptom? I have to focus on how I walk to keep from waddling. Morning sickness is a real symptom, though. And, what do you know, it actually comes just in the morning. The only things I accomplish before noon are waking up, eating breakfast, reading the Bible, resting, and cooking dinner. Yesterday I had to bring a bar stool into the kitchen to sit on while I made dinner because I was so nauseous and weak. After about 1:00, though, I feel completely fine.

Oh my, yes. I thought he/she was going to kick their way out on Sunday.

Food Cravings/Aversions?
Still not wanting to eat much around noon. Coffee has been a pretty big aversion, which is probably a good thing. I was having roughly two small cups a week up until a couple weeks ago. Now I just don’t want it at all. I’ve been wanting fruits and veggies more lately. And cheetos…definitely cheetos.

Labor Signs?
Braxton Hicks!

Belly Button in or out?
It’s basically out…or flat.

What am I looking forward to?
Watching my husband lead worship this Sunday at church.

Best moment of the week?
Finding out Baby is head down at our appointment today. I had thought so, but wasn’t for sure.

I’m feeling?
Excited! Blessed…very blessed.

What I miss?
I can’t think of anything at the moment.

Are you working out?
Not really. I cleaned and packed quite a bit on Monday, though. My, that wore me out. (Yes, we are moving sometime in the month of July…so it will definitely be a month packed full of exciting activities.)


35 Week Bumpdate


How far along are you?
35 weeks!
Weight Gain?
At our 34 week appointment last week, I had gained a total of 19.4 pounds, so I’m guessing I’m up about 20 now.
Don’t know! My sister-in-laws think baby girl. We’ll see!
Maternity Clothes?
Most of the time.
Stretch Marks?
All over my chest, though I think they are getting better. As I was rubbing my belly with lotion Monday evening, I thought I saw a small mark on the underneath side of my belly. Since I can’t really see the underneath side of my belly, I asked my husband to look and he confirmed that yes, I do have a stretch mark. Poo. I thought I’d make it all the way without belly stretch marks! Oh well. My husband’s response after he saw my face when he confirmed the mark was, “It’s okay. I’ll still be your husband.” Haha. Thanks, dear.
Very uncomfortable. My poor husband, I’m not sure he gets much sleep with my tossing, turning, and moaning.
Still achy and worn down! Also, it’s been headache central up in here for the past four days…I’m not sure what that is all about.
Yep! I really want to know how baby is laying.
Food Cravings/Aversions?
Since about Friday, I have not wanted to eat anything. Nothing sounds good. Cooking food is so difficult…it just makes me nauseous. My food intake has been way down. I’m trying not to worry about it, but I’m seriously having to force food down lately. Monday night and Tuesday morning have gone a bit better, though.
Labor Signs?
I don’t know if this correlates with the food aversions, but along with headaches it’s been Braxton Hicks contractions central up in here, too. From about Thursday to Sunday, I was starting to fear that maybe I was going into labor. NOTHING would take them away! I sat down, stood up, layed on my side, went for a walk, drank what felt like a gallon of water, forced food down my throat…nothing helped. I knew they weren’t the “real deal” though because they were so sporadic. Luckily, they’ve slowed way down.
Belly Button in or out?
It’s basically out.
What I miss?
Being able to shave my legs without having to perform a balancing act.
What am I looking forward to?
We have a wedding to attend this Saturday!
Best moment of the week?
My husband rolling over and pulling me into his arms this morning before he got up to leave for work. I love him.
I’m feeling?
Ready. Hopeful the next few weeks go by fast.
Are you working out?
Not really. I’ve gone for a couple walks, but I feel so worn out. I just don’t have the energy. I’m pretty sure if I did workout, though, it would help with my lack of energy. I probably should do that. ….. Update: I did workout today (Wednesday) and it felt great! I need to keep at it.