37 Weeks…Full Term!

37 weeks

How far along are you?
37 weeks. Baby is full term! I feel like I can breathe easier knowing that the baby can come anytime now and he/she will not be a preemie!

Weight Gain?
We had our 37 week appointment this morning and I have gained a total of 23 lbs.

We’ll find out soon enough! My two year old niece pointed at my belly the other day and said “Baby Boy!”

Maternity Clothes?
Basically all the time, unless I’m wearing a maxi skirt. It’s getting to the point where my belly is almost sticking out of some of my maternity tops….ahh!

Stretch Marks?
Yep! I think I get a new one each week (on my belly). They are really small, though.

Pretty good, until I have to get up or roll over. I think the baby has stationed their bum up under my rib cage on the left side when I sleep. It hurts when I get up!

Morning sickness is gone. Yay! I just feel exhausted all the time.

Pretty much the same. Sometimes, though, after a really active day the next he/she will be a bit quieter.

Food Cravings/Aversions?
Craving fruit… and, yes, still CHEETOS! (I ate cheetos one time this whole pregnancy a couple weeks ago and now my taste buds are screaming for more!) I’m still not wanting any coffee, which is great for my husband–more for him!

Labor Signs?
Braxton Hicks! I’ve been having them pretty constantly lately. Skip this next sentence if you don’t want TMI. At my appointment Wednesday, I was checked and told that I am 90% effaced and 1cm dilated. I’m assuming that Baby is in a good position since she could fell his/her head.  And here is more TMI for you–I lost my mucus plug that night.

Belly Button in or out?
It’s basically out…or flat.

What am I looking forward to?
I don’t even know…Definitely looking forward to meeting this baby, whenever he/she decides it’s time! I keep telling the baby that they can’t come out until after daddy gets off work today. We are in the process of buying a house and in order to receive a loan, my husband has to provide two weeks of pay stubs. Well, his hours just got increased and today is the last day of the first two weeks. I’ve been having pretty good contractions for at least 3 days now, but I’ve made it clear to the baby that nothing can happen until after 5 today. Ha! I’m sure Baby’s arrival is still weeks away, but you never know!

Best moment of the week?
Spending a morning with my sister-in-law and her children.

I’m feeling?
Anxious, excited, and a little overwhelmed. After realizing that my body really is preparing to give birth, I had a bit of an emotional breakdown Wednesday night. Well, let’s be honest, it was more than “a bit” of an emotional breakdown. I realize it could be a matter of hours, days, or even weeks before labor actually begins, but the fact of the matter is, it is going to happen and I’m going to have to give birth. I was honestly scared that night realizing what is to come. Don’t worry though, it was nothing a call with my sister in law, a chocolate bar (thanks, mom!), a movie, sleep, and the arms of my husband couldn’t fix. 🙂

What I miss?
Honestly, nothing. I’m just looking forward. 🙂

Are you working out?
We went for a walk last night. But other than that, no.


I need to go through every day thinking it could be the last day until the baby comes, then maybe things would get done around the house! There is so much to do and I feel so lethargic and awkward that I just don’t even want to try…and that’s bad! Today, I will get things done!

2 comments on “37 Weeks…Full Term!

  1. it sounds like you may be meeting your little one sooner than later!! I am not sure I have lost my MP- and I’m due on Tuesday..I would say you are progressing more than me..which is exciting! Happy Week 37- FULL TERM!!!! Very exciting times ahead 🙂


    • Emilee says:

      Thanks! The time of labor starting is so unpredictable… I have a feeling I’ll be seeing a post about your beautiful blessing before ours arrives! Good luck!


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