38 Weeks!

Don't mind the mess behind me!

Don’t mind the mess behind me!

How far along are you?
38 weeks!

Weight Gain?
We had our 38 week appointment this morning and I have gained a total of 24 lbs.

I’ll be able to tell you that soon!

Stretch Marks?
Oh yeah. Starting to get a few more.

Pretty good!

I. Move. Slow.

I think he/she is running out of room. Their movement is starting to decrease!

Food Cravings/Aversions?
I am craving something cold to drink that isn’t water (all I ever drink is water). Something fruity…maybe a smoothie? Oh, and the Cheetos of course, but only the crunchy kind!

Labor Signs?
These BH contractions are whacko. They go crazy for a few days straight and then disappear altogether. My Dr. checked and I’m still 1cm and 90% thinned. She said I have a cervix of steal…Ha! I asked her if the baby will need to drop anymore and she said the baby is so low and if they were any lower she’d be able to see their head! I’m just so at peace knowing the baby is in the right position. And, no, I am not one bit disappointed that I have not progressed at all in a week because here’s the thing: God determines the birth date of my child. Not my Dr., not my exercise, and not what I eat or drink or do.  I could have a baby in the morning, or I could have a baby in 3 weeks. Only God knows and I’m totally okay with that.

Belly Button in or out?
It’s basically out…or flat.

What am I looking forward to?
Fourth of July with my Husband’s family! I love getting together with all of his side of the family.

Best moment of the week?
This is going to sound absolutely ridiculous, but today my husband ate pizza for lunch at work and it seriously makes me so happy. Since he started courting me last year, he has given up gluten because he knows I can’t eat it. On Fridays at his work they have pizza but last week he came home to eat with me instead. We talked about it and I told him I wanted him to stay at work and eat with his coworkers, and he did too. So today he did and I’m legitimately stoked. I’ve had a few cravings for pizza myself, so it kind of feels like a part of me got to have pizza today. 🙂

I’m feeling?
Peaceful and excited.

What I miss?
Honestly, nothing. I’m just looking forward. 🙂

Are you working out?
Just walking here and there.


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