20 Week Bumpdate!

Would you look at that! I wouldn’t have thought I’d be writing these so soon again. 😉


How far along are you?
20 weeks! Halfway!

Weight Gain?
10 lbs … Plus I was about 6 pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight from the pregnancy with Jude when we found out we were expecting again.

it’s a …. surprise!

Stretch Marks?
Of course… all from the pregnancy with Jude. My belly is quite lovely (sarcasm).

I still sleep on my back a lot and I know I need to stop soon and switch to my side. Sleep hasn’t been too bad except for the gosh darn dreams I keep having…legitimate nightmares! I’m talking wake up in the middle of the night crying and reaching for your husband type nightmares. I dread sleep because of the darn dreams.

Bloody nose every morning, but I think that’s more because of dry air than pregnancy.

Starting to feel him/her much more lately! The movement is still really low.

Food Cravings/Aversions?
Mashed potatoes and gravy. I meal planned for this week and purposely kept mashed potatoes and gravy out because we’ve had so much in the past few weeks! I’m also craving sweets which I usually satisfy with a chocolate milk. It’s a good thing we keep hardly any sweets in the house.

Labor Signs?
Absolutely not and hopefully not for a long time! I think I’ve had maybe one BH contraction…maybe.

Belly Button in or out?
My belly button is so incredibly weird. It never returned to normal after Jude was born (probably because I still carried about 5 extra pounds in that area). I guess I’d say it’s flat, but the top ridge is poking out.

What am I looking forward to?
My husband coming home from work tonight. I miss him.

Best moment of the week?
Jude started crawling last Thursday! He is on the move!

I’m feeling?
Currently, sick and frustrated. Sick from a nice little cold and frustrated because Jude has taken some major steps backwards in his sleep (just at night–nap times are still golden). Last night he woke up at 1:45. We gave him a bottle and he didn’t fall asleep until around 4. Tyler and I are exhausted (and so is Jude)!

What I miss?
A good night’s sleep. I know it’s only been a couple of rough nights with Jude, but I’m still missing my 8-9 hours of wonderful, uninterrupted sleep.

Are you working out?

I’ve been trying to! I haven’t worked out since last Wednesday, though, and I don’t see myself working out today. Tomorrow!

We are incredibly fortunate for our new little blessing from God.

All thanks to the grace of our Father above.