39 Weeks


How far along are you?
39 weeks!

Weight Gain?
26 pounds so far. I’m consistently gaining 2 a week since 36 weeks, which is about the time I stopped working out. Hmmmm, I wonder if there is a correlation? I’d say maybe so.

We don’t know, what do you think?

Stretch Marks?
Oh yeah. They’ve just kind of exploded around my belly button. Ha. My belly button has basically disappeared. It’s flatter than a pancake.

Pretty good!

Waddling….for real. Starting to swell in my feet and hands a little too.

I think he/she is running out of room. Their movement is starting to decrease!

Food Cravings/Aversions?
Crunchy Cheetos still sound amazing to me! A fruit smoothie sounds great, too.

Labor Signs?
Nothing different than last week. Still BH contractions. They come and go and sometimes they are more painful and last longer, but nothing ever happens.

Belly Button in or out?
It’s basically out…or flat.

What am I looking forward to?
Our weekly appointment this Friday. Hopefully meeting this baby soon!

Best moment of the week?
Hearing my husband preach on Sunday; he did great!

I’m feeling?
Ready to give birth to this baby! I’m sure I’ll be quite nervous when it actually starts happening, though.

What I miss?
Okay, I’m missing a lot lately. The ability to stand up and sit down easily, running, wearing shirts that actually cover my belly completely, wearing more than just athletic shorts and leggings (I never leave the house and when I do I stuff my body in maternity capris and my ever faithful black shirt, pictured above)…and more.

Are you working out?
Just walking here and there. Next time around, I’m going to make sure to run from the very get go and maybe I’ll still be able to go for jogs when I’m this far along.

36 Weeks — 9 Months!


How far along are you?
36 weeks… That’s right, we’ve made it to 9 months!
Weight Gain?
We had our 36 week appointment this morning and I have gained a total of 20.4 lbs.

I’m really thinking baby girl still. I’m wondering if I have some sort of “Mother instinct” about this or if I’m way off my rocker and the baby is definitely not a girl. I’m curious, have other mom’s had a gut feeling? Were you right?

Maternity Clothes?
Most of the time, but I am really loving maxi skirts!

Stretch Marks?
Yes. On my chest and a couple on my belly. I’ve had very light marks on my thighs from a few years back (I gained a lot of muscle weight because of a crazy intern track coach I had and then promplty lost it after the season, leaving me with a few stretch marks) but they seem to be darkening a bit.

About 8-9 hours up 1-2 times. Rolling over is just the pits. My poor round ligaments feel like they are just going to snap! Honestly though, I sleep pretty darn well.

Is waddling a symptom? I have to focus on how I walk to keep from waddling. Morning sickness is a real symptom, though. And, what do you know, it actually comes just in the morning. The only things I accomplish before noon are waking up, eating breakfast, reading the Bible, resting, and cooking dinner. Yesterday I had to bring a bar stool into the kitchen to sit on while I made dinner because I was so nauseous and weak. After about 1:00, though, I feel completely fine.

Oh my, yes. I thought he/she was going to kick their way out on Sunday.

Food Cravings/Aversions?
Still not wanting to eat much around noon. Coffee has been a pretty big aversion, which is probably a good thing. I was having roughly two small cups a week up until a couple weeks ago. Now I just don’t want it at all. I’ve been wanting fruits and veggies more lately. And cheetos…definitely cheetos.

Labor Signs?
Braxton Hicks!

Belly Button in or out?
It’s basically out…or flat.

What am I looking forward to?
Watching my husband lead worship this Sunday at church.

Best moment of the week?
Finding out Baby is head down at our appointment today. I had thought so, but wasn’t for sure.

I’m feeling?
Excited! Blessed…very blessed.

What I miss?
I can’t think of anything at the moment.

Are you working out?
Not really. I cleaned and packed quite a bit on Monday, though. My, that wore me out. (Yes, we are moving sometime in the month of July…so it will definitely be a month packed full of exciting activities.)


34 Week Bumpdate

34 Weeks
How far along are you?
34 weeks!
Weight Gain?
 At our 34 week appointment this morning, I had gained a total of 19.4 pounds. So, in two weeks I’ve only gained .2 pounds. I guess that’s normal? My doctor didn’t seem worried by it at all.
Unknown…to us 🙂 My husband says it is a boy, I’ve been thinking girl. We’ll see whose right soon!
Maternity Clothes?
Oh yeah. I’m really enjoying the comfort of non-maternity maxi skirts, though.
Stretch Marks?
Just the same ones on my chest. No new ones, though!
 When I fall asleep, it’s marvelous. When I have to get up to use the restroom or attempt to roll over, it is quite the opposite of marvelous. My hips!
I’ve been feeling rather achy and worn down lately. Remember how last week I mentioned I thought I pulled a muscle jogging no more than 100 feet? Well, it is not getting any better. I’m seriously fearing it could potentially make labor and delivery a bit more challenging. You know your out of shape when a light 100 foot jog does damage to your body. Good grief!
Oh yes! This child is running out of room and I can feel it.
Food Cravings/Aversions?
Still craving ice cold water. Other than that, though, I’m not really having many cravings. Usually I’m craving something cold and a little sweet, like yogurt, ice cream, etc. The more I think about it, chocolate pudding or chilled butterfinger pie sounds pretty darn good right now.
Labor Signs?
Just a few Braxton Hicks.
Belly Button in or out?
The lower half is flat and the top half is barely sticking out.
What I miss?
Sleeping on my back! I also miss being able to move around quickly without possibly pulling a muscle or falling over.
What am I looking forward to?
Baby Shower this Saturday!
Best moment of the week?
 Well, I was thinking it was going to be our appointment today, but after the news we received I’m certain it was not the best moment of the week (I’ll tell you the news at the end of this post). Also, we are under a boil advisory….again. This marks the third time in the past couple months. This week hasn’t been packed full of good moments. But, I must choose one. So, the best moment of this week would have to be our Sunday dinner at my grandma’s. Usually, each week after church we meet up with my family at my grandma’s and enjoy a nice home cooked meal together. We haven’t been able to make it for a couple weeks, so it was such a nice treat! (I love eating great homemade meals every once in awhile that I DON’T have to cook!)
I’m feeling?
Excited and anxious! I know it’s still awhile until the due date, but it feels like the last couple weeks have just flown by! … I’ll add nervous to this list as well! Check out why below.
Are you working out?
            ** Okay. Today at our 34 week appointment my doctor informed my husband and I that she will actually be on vacation OUT OF STATE almost the whole month of July. She leaves July 7 and will not return until July 30. Our due date, go figure, lands directly in the middle of that time–July 16. Now, I know it’s completely normal for women to have a different doctor deliver their baby than the one they visited all throughout their pregnancy; however, the reason I chose my O.B. out of a list of 4 is because it is a well known fact that she does everything in her power to deliver her own patients’ babies. I wanted the same doctor I’d seen all 9 months of pregnancy to be the one to safely bring our child into this world.
            Also, there is a part two to this lovely change of events. Because my doctor also wants to be the one to deliver our child, she is going to try to “get my labor going” starting at our next visit which will be my 36 week appointment. Going in to this pregnancy, I was determined to let nature run it’s course and allow labor to start whenever it darn well pleased; but, after hearing this news I am beginning to be okay with what my o.b. wants to do. She informed me that at the next appointment she will check me (yay, can’t wait…<—–sarcasm) and probably sweep my membranes…OW. Sweeping my membranes was one thing I was wanting to avoid at all costs! However, I’m thrown for a loop because I honestly do not want another o.b. delivering my baby. Plus, I have a bit of anxiety at the idea of sweeping my membranes when I’m only 36 weeks along. What if the baby isn’t “done cooking” yet? We’ve had no complications or cause for concern throughout this whole pregnancy, but it still worries me a little bit to try to start labor that early. Maybe she’ll wait until 37 or 38 weeks…I don’t know. All I know is if she decides to sweep my membranes at 36 weeks I’ll be asking A LOT of questions before she does.
            So, if you could all be so kind and offer up a few prayers for the three of us, I’d greatly appreciate it. I don’t even know what I specifically want to pray for. I think mostly I just want peace in this whole situation. I need to realize that God is in control and there is nothing I can do about that besides trust Him.