39 Weeks


How far along are you?
39 weeks!

Weight Gain?
26 pounds so far. I’m consistently gaining 2 a week since 36 weeks, which is about the time I stopped working out. Hmmmm, I wonder if there is a correlation? I’d say maybe so.

We don’t know, what do you think?

Stretch Marks?
Oh yeah. They’ve just kind of exploded around my belly button. Ha. My belly button has basically disappeared. It’s flatter than a pancake.

Pretty good!

Waddling….for real. Starting to swell in my feet and hands a little too.

I think he/she is running out of room. Their movement is starting to decrease!

Food Cravings/Aversions?
Crunchy Cheetos still sound amazing to me! A fruit smoothie sounds great, too.

Labor Signs?
Nothing different than last week. Still BH contractions. They come and go and sometimes they are more painful and last longer, but nothing ever happens.

Belly Button in or out?
It’s basically out…or flat.

What am I looking forward to?
Our weekly appointment this Friday. Hopefully meeting this baby soon!

Best moment of the week?
Hearing my husband preach on Sunday; he did great!

I’m feeling?
Ready to give birth to this baby! I’m sure I’ll be quite nervous when it actually starts happening, though.

What I miss?
Okay, I’m missing a lot lately. The ability to stand up and sit down easily, running, wearing shirts that actually cover my belly completely, wearing more than just athletic shorts and leggings (I never leave the house and when I do I stuff my body in maternity capris and my ever faithful black shirt, pictured above)…and more.

Are you working out?
Just walking here and there. Next time around, I’m going to make sure to run from the very get go and maybe I’ll still be able to go for jogs when I’m this far along.